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Really, the origin of Black Ghosts was the same as the origin of Paradox. Both were once a compound known as United Front. A large and fearless organization to protect Cradle and maintain a semblance of peace. Despite their noble goal, however, the Halcyon days did not last long. The birth of Black Ghosts occurred when United Front was cleaved in two by its very own members. They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and the United Front crumbled exactly because of that. Without going into much detail, the Leader of Black Ghosts was in opposition when they rose to power.


Certain members had no choice but to flock to the other sister half to Paradox’s past hubris, Hyeri rising to become the quiet secretary of the more orderly faction, compared to Paradox’s pre-Virgil hellions. 


Funny how the roles reverse, isn’t it? 


One day the leader of Black Ghosts turned up dead. And even now the members struggle to decipher the cause. This forced Hyeri into a difficult position of taking the helm. A position she maintains even now.



The state of the Black Ghosts headquarters is that of abandoned luxury. Its former purpose was that of a spacious hotel and resort that was finally left to rot over time. The faction prides itself on its wealth of various facilities such as easy access to Cradle's metro system and its vast underground parking space connected to a network of tunnels. Many of its members have found a home squatting in what once used to be luxury suites, little by little attempting to restore the hotel to its former glory to house more faction members. The headquarters are equipped with what once used to be a ballroom and a long-abandoned restaurant that serves as a hub for the faction's members. 

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