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Errors originate from Black Static, a seemingly alive black mass that many only hear about from rumors.  Black Static infects people and objects through physical contact and performs a process known as Data Rewrite. After a Data Rewrite, the object is infected with Errors. By themselves, Error-infected people and objects cannot pass Errors along to others. However, sometimes a remnant of the Black Static stays latched on a person or object like a parasite, waiting for an opportunity for its host to unknowingly transfer the black static to another person.

Because Black Static can cause both beneficial and malicious errors, many are reluctant to willingly infect themselves. There are stories of desperate people who took the chance and played the roulette, only to receive a slew of malicious errors ruining their lives and killing them. These warnings are enough to kill the curiosity of most.


Errors are classified into Severity Levels D, C, B, A, and S. Severity levels are affected by how frequently the error is triggered and can grow or shrink over time.

Severity Levels do not denote whether an error is beneficial or not, only how severe or powerful it is.





This type of rewrite happens whenever an object comes in physical contact with Black Static.

Controlled Rewrite is a human-initiated process of trying to pass existing Errors to another person without the use of Black Static. This process requires the use of special Human Memory Cards containing all of a person’s data and putting these cards in Memory Processor computers that attempt to write over only specific data. Only a few of these special computers have been discovered.


There is still a high risk of unintended errors or malicious errors being passed over. Because of this, Error users with highly coveted beneficial errors are reluctant to risk the procedure with anybody who asks.

After a controlled rewrite, the people involved often report experiencing a special connection to the other person they performed a rewrite with. The more times a controlled rewrite is performed between the same two people, the stronger the connection becomes. The effects of this connection are ambiguous and under-studied.

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Human Memory cards contain all of a person’s data. However, unlike a normal memory card, these cards are mysteriously duplicated from a person’s soul and any data change that happens to this card will immediately affect its owner. Fortunately, physical damage to a personal memory card does not affect its owner as that does not rewrite any data.


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Copy cards are usually made of defunct or botched human memory cards but have defects or manufacturing issues. Therefore, Copy Cards are most often used for making limited usage copies of other people’s Errors but have several limitations:

Errors on Copy Cards have limited usage before the data becomes corrupted. Complex errors have a 1-time usage limit before corruption. Simpler errors can be used up to about 5 times.


  • Copy cards are not soul-linked and data changes have no effect on the person the Error came from

  • Copy cards can only contain 1 error per card

  • Copy cards are reusable if you erase corrupted data off of it



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