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old technology

Dear researchers, here is a codex of some super secret information to aid you in your pursuits. Use it wisely. ;]

Living AI

The living AI were once very powerful security programs issued by large corporations to protect their data from potential breaches. The consciousness of a Living AI is much like that of a regular human, except eerily uncanny. The living AI can exist as both corrupted or uncorrupted entities and found as pieces of ancient technology. Usually the Living AI cannot venture far outside of their pieces of technology without the help of black static corruption. When corrupted by black static the Living AI becomes malicious, often masquerading as a helping hand or alternatively setting out on a seek and destroy mission.


Constructs are old, more rudimentary pieces of technology that require the use of human memory cards. They are able to capture the mannerisms of a person as well as their quirks and speech patterns by processing the data of the HMC through an algorithm which essentially creates a personalized ‘Siri’ that is obviously far more humane. The difference between AI and Constructs is that while AIs are able to broaden their knowledge through the collection of data, Constructs have only a limited amount of data to process. Despite the limitation of Constructs, it was a popular method of preserving the memory of a loved one of an important database of knowledge for the company of engineers who may have passed that may come in useful. Constructs can appear as both corrupted and uncorrupted and as of current it is still possible to create a construct only if the person whose data is stored is not infected with an error. Constructs can only exist as a part of hardware. They are generally harmless as they cannot explore the world unlike the Living AI or Avatars but are still entirely prone to corruption.





Avatars are the disembodied entities existing within old technology that often cannot be given a physical form unless they are corrupted.


The difference between avatars and constructs is that avatars do not need hardware to exist and can explore the world freely. Most avatars are entirely corrupted by black static. Extremely intelligent and dangerous, the avatars can manifest as high-ranking anomalies. Some of these avatars have been corrupted and warped to the point of complete unrecognition. 


Human Memory Cards

The HMCs were the primary means through which individuals could store their memories and consciousness on a physical object. This is as much as is known about HMCs.


A replicant is a bioengineered vessel that requires a Human Memory Card to operate. The vessel was designed to extend a persons’ lifespan long after the death of their original body. Many wealthy members of the society were known to possess replicants and attempts have been made to create a replicant’s consciousness from scratch, using a bag of pre-existing traits and memories that were then modified.


Dead Zones

Dead Zones are rumoured to be swaths of land that are so thoroughly under the influence of Black Static time and reality itself warps under its influence. You often may find strange phenomena in these spaces, such as scenes lifted out of the distant past replaying right in front of your eyes as well as spectres and passing whispers of people who are long gone. The psychological strain of entering a Dead Zone is immense, thus an expedition into such a place could be tantamount to a suicide mission. However, the Zones have a strange power to bring forth surreal artefacts that few reckless folks set out to hunt.



An individual specializing in entering Dead Zones. They do so to retrieve unusual, pricey artefacts that seem to be a product of the phenomenon as opposed to man or machine. Being a runner requires a lot of psychological fortitude and a lot of guts because the zones are unforgiving. Those who venture there come back a little different, a little wrong.



Salvaged items found in deadzones. They are said to appear strange and uncanny.

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