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Welcome to the world of URBAN ERROR.


Black Static is a seemingly alive force that infects everything it touches with Errors and looks like a black, glitching mass that light cannot penetrate. The noise it emits is garbled, buzzing, static.


Once something is infected by black static, they have glitchy looking static that occasionally zips across their body, signaling their Errored state.


Error-infected people and creatures can sense each other because the black static seems to create an invisible thread of connection between them. Error users use this sensitivity to avoid Anomalies and help them avoid touching errored walls, objects, and debris that might carry something harmful.



Anomalies were once normal animals who became horrifically mutated by black static over and over, usually for years and riddling them with Errors. The most monstrous anomalies are said to have been infected for centuries.


Smaller anomalies often lurk in abandoned structures, looking to consume unsuspecting humans.


Anomalies are particularly attracted to Error-infected humans, hoping the human may carry a remnant of Black Static that they can devour and further evolve.


Earth is now sparsely populated by humans and giant, dense abandoned cities dot the landscape. Lost advanced technology and devices can still be looted from buildings but exploration carries the threat of error-infected objects and lethal Anomalies lurking in the shadows.


Some cities have managed to build defences using recouped ancient technology or hire Error-user factions to protect their perimeters, allowing trading, commerce, and normal life to exist.



Trading is crucial to survival. The local currency is e-coins kept on electronic coin cards and bracelets. E-coins only became valuable when people realized e-coin cards could be used to vend goods from the many impenetrable vending machines and automated stores found all over lost cities.


Besides e-coins, the Error Trading Market is booming and Error users come to transfer abilities or request services from specific Error abilities. Auctions for Copy Cards with coveted abilities draw crowds and factions.

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