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A deafening roar and sharp shatters of glass overwhelm your senses as the storm is upon you. For now, humans and anomalies alike disappear from the dilapidated streets, seeking safety or shelter. However, an anomaly would love to hole up in a shelter with a human snack inside.



The anomaly stampede did not leave the city without damage. Jarringly enough, those located closer to the central part of the old city in South Ward find themselves uneasy as they feel the ground rumbling and after a pained moan, the asphalt begins to crack, caving under. Fortunately, nothing you love has been damaged, but what has started with a split and a heavy sag of asphalt soon forms into a formidable sinkhole, as if the earth was attempting to swallow the city up from under. 

Once the dust begins to settle, it is time to investigate. It will take some courage to tread closer amidst the debris. Still, upon inspection, you begin to see that what compromised the structural integrity was not a natural phenomenon, but something hidden under the city. You see ventilation pipes and shafts as well as dense walls and symmetrical structures that seem to encase something like a tunnel.  This is nothing like the metro tunnels you have seen from the Black Ghosts Headquarters. It is something different and much farther from the surface. 

what will you do?_


Black Storm Recommended Protocol


  • Seek secure shelter immediately. Cover and secure all sources of possible outside airflow to prevent contamination, including vents, thin cracks in door frames, and other air filtration systems. Note that if located in the heavy midst of a storm, Black Storm particles are known to erode and wear down thin barriers with their repeated force, sometimes shattering glass.

  • Reinforce shelter. Black Storm's wind speeds can reach hurricane levels and Black glass can have considerable destructive power, breaking through windows and thin doors with ease. It is recommended that any spare time during a Black Storm is spent reinforcing possible openings to your shelter.

  • Immediately locate a form of protective mask for the nose and mouth, ideally a professional grade air filtration mask if available. If one cannot be acquired, any form of physical barrier over the mouth should be applied immediately.

  • Exposed skin should be tightly and thickly covered as soon as possible. Careful attention should be made to the facial and neck area.

  • Eye protection that completely covers and seals the eye area is heavily recommended. If none is available, seek to reinforce your shelter to prevent black glass from entering.


Your Ward's safety has been impacted by your ward's containment points. Some wards have more damaged buildings than others due to anomalies causing destruction, while other wards were better contained. The Black Storm's fury is now upon you and finding shelter is crucial. You may leave your squads and move to a new ward or team up with new people. You can also move shelter to shelter in your RP to add more RP partners.


Roll a WISDOM check to see if your character has enough wits to quickly seek out a good shelter. If you are with a squad, you can all roll and pick the shelter of the person who rolled the highest. Below 10 is a below-average to extremely poor shelter. Above 10 is a decent to very well reinforced shelter. Interpret how you like. Your characters can RP about trying to survive or reinforce the building or shelter they ended up picking for themselves. Even now, straggler anomalies may still leak into your shelter!


Shelter Perception check 1d20 + (Your WIS + bonus WIS)


Decently contained. Some buildings are damaged and windows are often broken but the structural integrity remains.

Bonus WIS = 3


Decently contained. The southern barrier is damaged but largely the buildings are left with moderate damage and structural integrity remains.

Bonus WIS = 3


Well contained. Some buildings are slightly damaged and windows sometimes broken but the structural integrity remains.

Bonus WIS = 4


Not well contained. Buildings have sustained heavy damage but luckily there is still some structural integrity.

Bonus WIS = 2


OPTIONAL Ideas of other things you can roll for and spice up your RP

- STR checks to see if your character is strong enough to move furniture

- CON for how they fare with injuries

- DEX for how quickly they can dodge Black glass if it slices into the shelter

- INT checks to see what kind of face coverings or protective gear they can create in a pinch

- WIS checks to see if your character can perceive weaknesses in their shelter

- CHA for stress levels and how your character is able to keep themselves together

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