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The first settlers in the Cradle came up approximately 20 years ago, having originally been a traveller group who fled in the wake of the devastation of their original settlement. The city was slowly restored and repurposed, beginning to attract more and more visitors. The settlement started off small and eventually grew in size fending off invasive anomalies as well as the forces of nature until it had become known as the Cradle. The location of the city is presumably on an artificial patch of land that has been expanded into the ocean in order to accommodate a rapidly growing population.


The city infrastructure is centred around a council composed of representatives of other competing factions that essentially carry out any decisions regarding the Cradle in a democratic way. The council has a yearly forum. Because there is no law enforcement or no centralized body of law, more than often there are a lot of cases of vigilantism with mercenaries being available for hire if someone needs escorting or a bodyguard.

There have been instances of individuals attempting to monopolize things such as water and electricity by making those resources hard to access without a bounty. In a way, those groups aren’t better than any other gangs in the cradle. They just happen to be well-connected and be in possession of more resources.




The Cradle is structured out of four intersecting streets with the factions occupying East and West of the Cradle respectively, making up the four wards.


East, West, North and South wards out of which most are either not cleared or occupied by other organizations. Not everyone is so privileged as to be able to dwell within the cradle due to its already limited resources and oversaturation of organized crime, which makes them more desperate to enter the Cradle and find a place within the city. Because of this undercurrent of the population that cannot quite assume its place in the Cradle, black market activity is rife, especially when it comes to looted medicine, weaponry, identification and faulty copy cards or Human Memory Cards.

The Cradle has numerous dive bars which are home to mercenary hire as well as places of exchange and negotiations, acting as a ‘neutral zone’ where violence against members of opposing groups or factions is forbidden




â—‰ East Ward, the location of the Black Ghost Headquarters.

â—‰ West Ward, the location of the Paradox Headquarters. 

â—‰ North Ward  […]

â—‰ South Ward, the location of Desiderata, a mercenary dive bar. It is furnished with pool tables and vending machines from a bygone era. They notoriously make their own alcohol, while the bar is owned by someone named Goose. 



The bar is furnished with pool tables and vending machines from a bygone era. They notoriously make their own alcohol, while the bar is owned by someone named Goose. Try their stuff if you dare, it is not so bad after all. The bar also offers a range of soft drinks and mocktails. The furnishing is a combination of what was scavenged & furniture fashioned out of torn down road signs including handmade low tables from road work signs and lovingly made bean bags from recycled material. 

It is dark inside the bar as most of the windows except for the vents are boarded up to avoid any break ins or damage from anomalies, but the neon lighting inside makes up for it. There is a notice board inside that has varying leaflets of individuals seeking out help for a good price. It is the best place to earn cigarettes if you are ready to clean the place up after it shuts. There are a few gigantic traffic lights simply serving as mood lighting and decorations as well as copious graffiti on the walls as a tasteful touch to the interior.


Take note that Desiderata is a neutral zone, meaning that it is forbidden to attack the members of opposing factions, unless you want to risk being kicked out.



The city infrastructure is centred around a council composed of representatives of other competing factions that essentially carry out any decisions regarding the Cradle in a democratic way. The council has an annual forum. 



Because there is no law enforcement or no centralized body of law, more than often there are a lot of cases of vigilantism with mercenaries being available for hire if someone needs escorting or a bodyguard. Mercenaries in Cradle are available for hire through either word of mouth or Desiderata. 



There have been instances of individuals attempting to monopolize things such as water and electricity by making those resources hard to access without a bounty. In a way, those groups aren’t better than any other gangs in the cradle. They just happen to be well-connected and be in possession of more resources.


Black Market

Not everyone is so privileged as to be able to dwell within the cradle due to its already limited resources and oversaturation of organized crime, which makes them more desperate to enter the Cradle and find a place within the city. Because of this undercurrent of the population that cannot quite assume its place in the Cradle, black market activity is rife, especially when it comes to looted medicine, weaponry, identification and faulty copy cards or Human Memory Cards.


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