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Who are you? A bounty hunter? A researcher? A humble nobody just trying to find friends and survive? Find out the ingredients to make your Urban Error character and join the fight.


REQUIRED: Please see this PINTEREST BOARD for inspiration.

This world is set in an urban/post-apocalyptic future with inspiration from neon streetwear, graphic designs, and gang fashion. Though everyday people may struggle to acquire nice clothing and access to textile printing equipment (think 3D printers, but for clothes), your character is part of an Error Faction that can afford or has been able to acquire some nice loot and threads from your ruined city-exploring escapades. Factions try to stand out from the crowd and make a name for themselves. More recognition means more jobs and trading opportunities, which means money, gear, and rare Error abilities for survival.

Characters may be of any ethnicity, but they may not know much about the original culture that their ancestors came from due to the fall of civilization centuries ago except from what they can glean from preserved books, data, and documents they can read from the past.

ONE weapon type is allowed and starter weapons must be “normal” weapons with no special Errors attached or technologically advanced. You may have a secondary of your main weapon if it makes sense (for example, two handguns or two knives; but two crossbows don't). Weapons can also be everyday objects such as baseball bats or brooms. Please inquire if you are unsure about your idea.

Even though this genre is urban-fantasy, please refrain from making very large fantasy weapons that your character would struggle to carry, swing, or travel with. If you look too crazy, you might get shot at.



Factions are exclusive gangs that band together in order to survive. Resources are thin in the post-apocalyptic world and competition is high; as factions gain notoriety, they receive more jobs, trading offers, and respect. See the FACTIONS page at the top to choose your crew.


Within each faction, you will have a RANK! This denotes your seniority within the faction and grows as you contribute to your gang whether it be through relationship building, gathering resources, and fighting alongside them!


ALL new recruits will start at the Grunt rank and your rank will grow with EXP.



Grunt - Newbie recruits who are still proving their loyalty and worth

Contributor - Full-fledged and active members

Officer - Advanced rank that will give you a custom role and title in your faction, shaped by what your character has grown to specialize in!



Your character has two main errors. Note that your error can mutate and grow with ranking up so it does not need to be so strong at first.


REQUIRED You must RESERVE your Errors as the group will not accept duplicates or errors too close in similarity. SEE ERROR GUIDELINES AND RESERVATIONS HERE

You may choose one positive error ranked D+.

You must choose one negative error ranked D+.


More Errors will get added to your character as they explore, battle, and build relationships.


URBAN ERROR occasionally uses DnD stats for RP and in-game events! You'll use these to further customize and give life to how you will interact and explore with the world.


You have 25 points to allocate between different stats based on your character's personality and traits. More stat points will become available as you level up! Minimum number of stat points per stat is 1 (you cannot have a stat of 0).









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