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Paradox has had three successive leaders in its time of existence. The first leader was a United Front defector who established the faction. The second leader was Virgil LeBlanc, one of the first Paradox officers. Following the catastrophic collapse of United Front, Virgil was an enigma of a man to rise up from the rubble and climb ranks to stand in as the right hand of the first leader. A renowned researcher, he was a formidable officer who brought an arsenal of knowledge and equipment to make sure that Paradox would be a faction to rise above the others and rid Cradle of the anomaly problem once and for all. 


With his leadership, Virgil also had a set of rigid ideals to help set Paradox straight. Instead of its reckless and rowdy tactics, Virgil imposed a structure more resembling a military, making good use of the old hospital in which Paradox was located. He pushed the faction in the direction of research to back up their actions and fine tune the faction by disposing of those whom he deemed necessary and prioritizing the most loyal recruits.


Unfortunately, his time as a leader was cut short after he was assassinated by Elysium due to being perceived as a threat. The current leader of the faction is Aurora, once a recruit under Virgil.


What once has been a bustling centre of cutting-edge medicine has been reduced to nothing but watery echoes in the empty sterile halls of what once has been Credence Hospitalof course, it is that no longer, instead repurposed to be Paradox's very own Headquarters. Once upon a time, the hospital provided a service of wellness for both body and mind, before being occupied by Virgil and his cohort who equipped it with salvaged or pawned Elysium tech to aid Paradox with its error research. The traces of his scholarship still remain within the halls of the hospital, but the faction had also ensured making the space more comfortable for those who inhabit it, equipping it with a lounge and tending their very own garden which ensures a steady supply of crops.

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