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Character acceptance or rejection is based on these things:

1. Quality of written sections on app (this is vague, but we can tell if someone threw together an app or if they put some thought into it. A somewhat fleshed out Personality and History helps us understand your character; but more length is not necessarily better)

2. Quality of character creation
- Does this character's personality/motivations make sense or is it unrealistic/tropey?

- Is this character's Errors very overpowered relative to its rank?
- Is this character well thought out? Would they fit and contribute into the story and setting?
- Do they have a motivation for joining their chosen Faction? (note that your character's personality does NOT need to match up to their faction, motivation is more important in this case)


Other lesser priority things that we consider and take into account:

- Personality diversity: having a mix of different and varied personalities in each faction

- Character diversity: gender, ethnicity, backgrounds

- Numbers: There's a limited number of slots for each faction. There will be good applications that might be denied simply because there are not enough slots for this initial opening


Application may be created using Deviantart submission, Google Docs, Caard, etc.


VISUAL TEMPLATE: Both PSD file and PNG versions available, either is accepted

Font used:

What's the minimum art requirement?
Fullbody character reference with at least flat color. You may update your character art with a more detailed render after acceptance if you wish

What can I edit on the PSD template?
- You may use a slightly different font, preferably something "techy" looking
- You may resize and move the "red floor" layer to better fit your character's position
- There is an optional background underlay that you can re-color and change the transparency of. The purpose of this is to help characters with a dark color scheme to pop out from the template BG, but you don't have to use it

The red color scheme clashes with my character. Can I use a different color?
You may color-adjust the neon red into a neon blue. Otherwise, red will be the standard.

Can I add a headshot of my character?
Yes, you can place it somewhere on the template if you'd like

Does this need to be posted on DeviantArt/Twitter?
No, we just need it uploaded to a google drive or or something to view!

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