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The first thing you notice is an encroaching shadow approaching the city and darkening the asphalt beneath. An alarming roll of a low, guttural growl resonates through the settlement, sending any remnants of cowering wildlife into panic and prompting a rising screech from the remaining birds and lesser anomalies that scatter in terror. But instead of a thunder front, a colossal is insight, if one is to gaze heavenward and shield their eyes from the spill of sickly gossamer light making its way through the sparse clouds.


What you see is tantamount to a colossal, only previously heard of in legends. The thing dwarfed anything you’ve fought before, reducing even the more dangerous encounters to nothing but a pitiful yelp from the enemy. It was an avian anomaly with a solid, round and elongated body propelled by three sets of large wings. On the head, it has a mask-like attachment. The sickly light was caught by its’ bone-white mask, marked only by blank eye sockets and a third cavity right below the eyes. The anomaly was oilslick in color, shimmering as a wing of a raven or the head of a Mallard duck, appearing to have a heavy, elongated tail to help steer itself through the air. Its only other two appendages were a pair of needle-thin avian legs with Anisodactyl feet tipped with large, black claws to aid the anomaly in attaching itself to its place of landing.


The A-rank was surrounded by what at first appeared to be a dark amalgamated cloud, indecipherable at first, but then remarkable in its fluid, undulating movement. When you look closer, you can spot individual lesser anomalies that resemble warped corvids with similarly elongated bodies and multiple sets of wings with a healthy wingspan of twenty-two feet. A few of these parasites dared to swoop low from time to time, gliding just above the city on a lookout for potential victims. This procession managed to disturb countless anomalies all around the settlement, sending them stampeding closer and closer to where you are, despite the Cradle’s best defences. It’s up to you to hold the fort and make sure nothing gets too close to the populated areas.

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